Ranch partner Bryson Swiggart, along with close friends, Chandler, and twin brothers Rob & Chris, had the priviledge to hosts two veterans for hunting and fellowship at Top Rail Ranch this past December! This group of men partnered with “Creek and Timber Legacy”, which is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2019 to “help veterans, first responders, and families of the fallen to enrich their lives through outdoor experiences.” With this, they provide outdoor learning, hunting, and firearm therapy, and we are so honored to have been able to provide this experience at Top Rail Ranch!
Veterans Kenny – who served in the Vietnam War, and Greg – who served in the Iraq War, were both hosted to a weekend full of fellowship! Their weekend included a mix of eating fine Texas BBQ, admiring cattle, roaming around the land of the ranch, fishing, hunting, and wrapping up the evenings around a campfire with some cold ones.
Bryson, Chandler, Rob, & Chris took Kenny and Greg out mornings and evenings in hopes of finding some big bucks. While their endeavors unfortunately resulted in no success, the time spent in the blinds together was irreplaceable. There’s a peacefulness that overcomes while sitting in a deer blind. This “Quiet Time” allows the opportunity to enjoy oneself with no phones, no distractions, and pure stillness – it really does something for the soul. It is in these moments that one can really detach from everything, and just “BE”. Nature has a way of calming and healing, and while a hunt may not always pan out, it is for this reason it is never seen as wasted time.
Evenings after hunting were spent in good ol’ downtown Mineola, Texas. If you’re familiar with a small town, you know that their small-town downtown is where it’s goin’ on! While there are many places we love, one of our favorite places to go to is “CowBurners”. CowBurners is a local BBQ & Taproom spot that’s been around for 20 years & has some of THE BEST Texas BBQ, as well as all the noteworthy local craft brews around the Dallas-Fort Worth area! Seriously, CHECK. THEM. OUT. They never disappoint! https://www.facebook.com/CowBurnersBBQ
Nights were capped off with all the men sitting around a campfire, drinkin’ a few cold ones, and looking out at the land, admiring all of God’s beautiful and endless creations. Some of our favorite memories at TRR are those revolved around a campfire. There’s nothin’ like a big fire, friends, & country music, underneath a sea of twinkling stars, that just melts your worries away.
Bryson, Chandler, Rob, & Chris thoroughly enjoyed hosting Kenny and Greg. While they originally came as strangers, they left as friends. These men had an incredible time getting to know each other, and really appreciated being able to hear their stories. The weekend of fellowship and hunting with these two veterans was one that will always be remembered with this group, and will forever be cherished.
We do not take living in this country for granted, and we are forever grateful to those who have served, those who will serve, the families of those who have served, and especially the ones who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Their efforts to make our country the greatest nation do not go unnoticed. They defend our freedoms here at home, and for that, we are forever grateful. We love our veterans, we respect our veterans, and we are so honored to have been able to contribute to such a great cause.
A special thanks to Kenny and Greg for allowing us the opportunity to show our gratitude.
To learn more about Creek and Timber Legacy, nominate a recipient, volunteer, or to make a donation to further bless our veterans, please follow the link here. > https://creekandtimberlegacy.org/
To learn more about TRR and the ranch that’s ran, please follow the link here. https://www.hhhcattleco.com/
Love to all,
Lacy & The Heifers